Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sock Ninja *second try*

Hiya!!! Meet Mr. Meesocky the Sock Ninja. My husband wanted to call him Ryu and I wanted to call him Master Splinter. Whatever. He's a Ninja. He has Ninja Throwing Stars. He rocks.

It was also a very simple project. I got the tutorial from here. The original instructions are for a doll (which I might still make), but I had to "boy it up" for Jake. Cost of this project? FREE! I just had to get Mike to part with a pair of dress socks.
I highly suggest making your own doll/ninja. It is a lot of fun- especially when you see the finished project. I think he might sleep with me tonight....my own little ninja bodyguard.....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sock Ninja *first try*

First try didn't go so well.....I've got big plans for try #2.......

Homemade Christmas- Chef Set *first try*

I'm so (sew ha ha!) happy that I got this set done. By now it is obvious that we have a kitchen "theme" going on at our house. I found a great wooden, handmade kitchen at a consignment sale for $25! Everything has been constructed around that. I love kitchens- they teach about foods, healthy eating habits, let kids be creative, and work for both boys and girls.

To all of you who say that kitchens are for girls- have you ever seen Rocco Dispirito?!? Gorgeous!

So besides the felt food (which I have lots to do yet), Jake needed a Chef's hat (my husband suggested that one), an oven mitt, and dishtowel. I found some cheap dishtowels at the dollar store and repurposed them into this set. I'm very pleased with the Chef hat- the tutorial was found here. I loved the detailed directions- it was simple and turned out great. Even for a first try!

The oven mitt was another story. It was the last of my projects, 10pm, and not real thought out. It will work for a play oven mitt, but it might be a little tight at the wrist! : ) Oh well, it will have to do for now....

Hope you enjoy. More felt food/ bean bags are coming up. A stuffed owl is almost done. Also a second try at that sock ninja....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Homemade Christmas- Felt Food *lots of tries*

I know, I haven't posted in quite some time. School has reared it's ugly head and I am forced to take care of business there first. I did pay for it and all.....

I jest, I love school! Someday I will take a picture and post my finished papers. They are like finished craft projects to me. Plus, they teach me all kinds of new things that can be applied here. I am loving my technology course. I will be so savvy when I'm finished ! : )
But while I've been away, I have been working on quite a bit of felt food. This is just a smattering of what I have done. I love how simple and creative you can be. It makes sense that so many people are addicted. What sucks is that there is a lot of hand stitching and I have little time to spare. So now I have about 18 projects started and none finished. The only truly complete set is breakfast. Check it out......
You might notice the brighter crisper pictures! TA DA! We got a new camera! The last was was destroyed by someone who will remain nameless......
I know, so hard to guess. While still a point and shoot, it takes much better pictures and soooo much faster. I am actually able to catch the little man in action. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pimp Pants *second try*

Using this tutorial provided for boys pants (by Dana at MADE) I whipped up these wide leg pants for Jake. I stopped at JoAnn's fabric (when I shouldn't have) and found suiting at 50% off. I couldn't resist this plaid fabric with a little orange in it. For about $3, Jake now has a bottom half for our family pictures.

Yes, some things did go wrong, but overall, this was a pretty problem free project. Completed in an hour and a half no less! That's also why the waist is a little tight. I couldn't wait for him to wake up from his nap to fit the pants- I just went off of another pair that fit him well. Hope he doesn't gain before Maria takes our pictures.

This was my first attempt at pockets, and rather than work harder for functional pockets he won't use, I just sewed on the shape. Also, this fabric frays fast! I serged wherever I could. My serger was so well behaved and gave me nice, clean, well-protected edges!

I hope he looks as cute as I think he will- I want to find a nice white or black polo to go with. If I have time, I want to try and make a matching hat. Don't hold your breath for the hat! Once the pictures are taken (in October) I will post.

PS Sorry the pictures are so bad- it's late and I really should be asleep!